ISEER Rating you
often spotted on Commercial advertisements for air conditioners and every
company is claiming that they are giving highest ISEER rating and rating is
also mentioned for the same. They also even claim that their product consumes
very low electricity. Now it becomes very important to know about what is ISEER
rating? How it is very important parameter before buying a product. In this
article we will study about ISEER rating.
With everyday new inventions
in air conditioning it becomes important for BEE to introduce methodology for
measuring efficiency of air conditioners. With invention of inverter air conditioners,
it was thought that it may not be successful but inverter air conditioners
become very successful. But they were introduced without any star label which
becomes very important factor while buying any electrical/ electronic product.
So people want star rating of inverter air conditioners. To overcome this
problem ISEER was introduced.
Earlier for measuring
performance of Traditional air conditioners EER was introduced.
EER - Energy efficiency ratio also
known as coefficient of performance
is measured as ratio of output wattage (i.e. cooling capacity) and Input power
taken by air conditioner.
EER= Output Wattage (Cooling capacity)
Power taken by Air conditioner
From formula Stated above Traditional air
conditioners efficiency can be ascertained, this efficiency can be further
divided into 5 groups named according to star rating of air conditioners. This
star rating works very well for Traditional air conditioners.
For Inverter air conditioners this formula doesn’t
work as both cooling capacity and Input power taken by air conditioner vary.
SEER was introduced known as Seasonal Energy
efficiency ratio. In every season temperature will not be constant and keeps on
varying. So working principle behind SEER is that temperature will not remain
constant throughput the year. So as there are variations in temperature so are
the cooling requirements vary e.g. cooling requirements will be different to
cool a particular space at 40 degree , 45 degree and 35 degree so as operating
hours of air conditioners.
SEER has taken care of all these factors i.e.
temperature variations throughout year and air conditioners usage pattern. So
SEER will different in different countries as temperature profile will be
different. Now what BEE has done that they had defined ISEER i.e. Indian
Seasonal energy efficiency ratio.
= Total annual amount of heat Air conditioner can remove from the indoor
when operated at active mode
Total annual amount of energy consumed by the
Air conditioner
Thus ISEER is the ratio of heat removed to total
energy consumed.
A complete guide for right rating selection and installation guide for air conditioners:-
This is best used when there are two air
conditioners compared and also there usage will be same, but as usage may be
different so electricity consumption may be different.
When you are going to compare Star ratings of
different types of air conditioners, Window, Split and inverter, it becomes quite difficult to compare air
conditioners . Standards defined are even provide detailed information for the
same. Although with introduction of EER for fixed speed air conditioners (Split
and Window) and ISEER for inverter air
conditioners help in selection of air conditioners a lot and compare them also.
As per national weather records temperature
distribution and operating hrs of air conditioner are as below, Data taken from
In above Temperature range is shown in 1st Row.
In Second row are Average Annual Hrs which indicates
temperature remains for no. of Hrs.
In 3rd row is Fraction which is fraction of total
no. of Hrs for which temperature remains
In 4th Row is No. of operating Hrs of Air
conditioners- In 4th row total Hrs are also selected as 1600 hrs.
Now BEE has made ISEER rating according to star
rating of air conditioner but this is not mandatory and it was introduced in
29/06/2015 and will remains valid until 31/12/2017. According to this star rating and
corresponding ISEER rating is below:-
1 Star – Minimum ISEER rating should be 3.10 and
Maximum ISEER rating should be 3.29.
2 Star- Minimum ISEER rating should be 3.30 and
Maximum ISEER rating should be 3.49
3 Star - Minimum ISEER rating should be 3.50 and
Maximum ISEER rating should be 3.99
4 Star- Minimum ISEER rating should be 4.00 and
Maximum ISEER rating should be 4.49
5 Star- Above 4.50
BEE is making mandatory from year 2018 will be valid
up-to Dec’19 onwards that for Star rating and corresponding ISEER rating, e.g.
1 Star – Minimum ISEER rating should be 3.10 and
Maximum ISEER rating should be 3.29.
2 Star- Minimum ISEER rating should be 3.30 and
Maximum ISEER rating should be 3.49
3 Star - Minimum ISEER rating should be 3.50 and
Maximum ISEER rating should be 3.99
4 Star- Minimum ISEER rating should be 4.00 and
Maximum ISEER rating should be 4.49
5 Star- Above 4.50
Rating are same but BEE has made it mandatory from
Now days you have seen that Air conditioners are
coming with ISEER rating of 5.8 even.
With recent launches in air conditioning it was
found that dual inverter AC will save 834 units in-comparison to 5 star split
air conditioner.
conditioners with having capacity of 1 ton will be capable for disposing off
heat of 12000 BTU (British Thermal
Why Air conditioner’s
capacity is measured in Ton:-
conditioners 1 Ton doesn’t indicates that it’s weight is 1 ton. Actually this
indicates amount of heat that air conditioner is capable of removing from house
in one hour. 1 ton of air conditioner will be capable of removing 12000
BTU/Hour heat from house. But still question remains why Ton is unit of
measurement for air conditioner capacity.
invention of air conditioners people used ice for cooling purpose. They take
that ice from frozen lakes or rivers. Now for melting 1 pound of ice 143 BTU
are required at 32 degree Celsius, this means that if you have 1 ton equivalent
to 2000 pounds of ice then 28600 BTU are required to melt the same. If this ice
block is melted uniformly throughout the day than 11917 BTU/ Hour will be
required which is rounded up to 12000 BTU/ Hour, which was the methodology
adopted for arriving out at 1 ton AC capacity.
How Power consumption is
related to ISEER rating of Air conditioners:-
BTU/ Hour 3517 Watt/hour power
Now for Assuming the ac to be a 3 star
rated, its ISEER=3.5
For 2 ton AC ,power consumption of ac
=cooling capacity/ISEER
=2.00 kWh.
In Split and Inverter air conditioners
there are two units , Indoor unit is known as evaporator and outdoor unit is
known as compressor. Most of power is consumed by outdoor unit only i.e.
compressor only. Compressor get started only when indoor temperature is more
than desired temperature. So you can assume that compressor will remains ON
only for 60-70% of time so power consumed will be 60-70% of 2 KWH.
So from above you will see that more
will be ISEER , lesser will be the power consumed by air conditioner per hour.
A complete guide for right rating selection and installation guide for air conditioners:-
A complete guide for right rating selection and installation guide for air conditioners:-