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Thursday, July 26, 2018

Lunar eclipse

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* 'Lunar': ~ *
Lunar eclipse - July 27, 2018.
Eclipse begins: 11. 54 PM.
Eclipse ends: 03 49AM.
Sutk Start: 02. 54fn.
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This Cndraghn year will appear in India!
Day takes Guru Purnima, this lunar eclipse will take 235 minutes!
Sing -tp will be of particular importance to charity!
Note: - celebration of Guru Purnima day and Sambbdit master -pugn must be deduced before Sutk early so accepted (02. 54PM) |
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Up to 104 years after the accident, the longest eclipse of the century on July 27 |

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July 27th will accept the longest moon century. Time to the end of the lunar eclipse will be about 4 hours. It is believed that this combination became after 104 years. Lunar eclipse will be at midnight on July 27, 11 hours, 55 minutes and its liberation during the late morning of 28 15:00 July will be 39 minutes. It has less than clearly seen at least three continents. Looks moon red during lunar eclipse called Blood Moon that lupus moon. During the full moon lunar eclipse when the earth lived in the shadow of its aura is lupus lupus that says Chandra or red moon, it happens when the moon covers the aura full earth.
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See in these countries lunar eclipse: ~
Apart from India, the lunar eclipse of Myanmar, Bhutan, Pakistan, appears in Afghanistan, China, Nepal, Asia, Africa, Europe, Antarctica, Australia, South America and the Middle East.
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* "Do not do these things: ~ *
🏮: lunar eclipse of pregnant women does not exit from home.
🏮: Needle and withstand the use of sharp objects.
🏮: According to the assumptions, people during the lunar eclipse should not eat anything. Eat that after he feels like eating something, then before the eclipse begins or ends.
🏮: lunar eclipse time people should not work too well.
🏮: stay eclipse the time, then God's prayers
Do not.
* The longest lunar eclipse this July 27 this century. || *
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New Delhi: Vikrami Sum of Five Eclipses in Samvat 2075. 2 moon of them are assumed to be the eclipse. 3. In only a eclipse of the four eclipses will appear in India. This lunar eclipse, which looks like July 27th. Next week igniter lunar eclipse will Kgras eclipse |
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According to astronomers, it will be the longest eclipse of the century. Usually Avdiwale is one or one and a half hours, but future lunar eclipse will last 4 hours. It is said that the long eclipse of darkness will not be visible until the end of the next century. Earlier 16 eclipsing it in July 2000. This combination is the same as Grhnwale day ie 27 is Julie Guru Purnima, thus increasing its importance. Night with the rise of the moon's eclipse will be 11 hours 54 minutes. Acceptance of the medieval night at 13:00 54 minutes and the end of the eclipse will be at 3 hours 49 minutes. The total duration of the eclipse will be 3 hours 55 minutes |
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The eclipse will be visible in India Beyond Australia, Asia, Africa, Europe and Anctactics. According to astronomers, Grhnwali night Tue will be near enough to the earth and will brighten

According to Jyotirvidon, eclipse takes place in the amount of its impact on the amounts. The lunar eclipse happens in Capricorn in the north Aashaadh and hears mass, so Leo children must be careful. To avoid the side effects of taking them should avoid singing. It supposes Gemini, Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius, can be painful to those Aquarius and Pisces, it will be good for those Scorpio and Fish |
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The Sun, Earth and Moon are in the same line. Shadow of the earth during the eclipse falls on the moon and it gradually covers the moon. It is a time of total eclipse. Then the shadow of the eclipse begins to diminish. Eclipse is considered as the liberation period when the timeframe |
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So long lunar eclipse - year will not meet again until 2099 |
crib will last 4 hours lunar eclipse |
Night be at 23:00, 55 minutes early and assumed that it takes 3 hours 55 minutes
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Has gone by -Monnenon, so the house must remember the Lord
Ganga etc dip in holy rivers must provide proper power Donate |
Housed in-house and must put the splint in water, this water is not polluted
Touch -devmurthy, sewer should not urinate |
In Sutk time -grhn should not eat |
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Eclipse 9 hours ago Sutk period begins. Pregnant women Sutk period must pay special attention. They must stay indoors during the eclipse so that there is no shadow.
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