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Thursday, June 25, 2015

Power factor variation with load;Why Power factor low during Starting of Motor?

During starting of Induction motor , motor draws very high current as power factor at the start is very low. Power factor is very low because the magnetizing component of current  is very high at starting. At Start Magnetizing component current is very high as it has to overcome the reluctance offered by air gap between stator and rotor. This leads to higher current withdrawal during starting.

You can also say that angle between core-loss component and net current increases. As power factor is angle between core-loss component and net current, then there will be decrease in power factor.
During starting Power factor starts from zero and keeps on increasing and will be maximum at full load current. Rated Power factor of motor will be achieved at Rated current of motor. Usually it is power factor at start is considered as 0.2.

Motors usually have rated Power factor between 0.80 -0.90.

Power factor varies as per load connected to the motor.

Chart for the same is shown below:-

Power factor variation wirh load
From above you will see that there is variation in Power factor depending upon the load. 
Circle diagram for the power factor is shown as below:-

Power factor circle diagram

Power factor circle diagram

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Variable Refrigerant flow Air conditioning; VRV System

Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) Systems
Variable refrigerant flow type Air conditioners also known as Variable Flow Volume i.e. VRV, Where variable refrigerant means the ability of the system to control the amount of refrigerant flowing to multiple evaporators i.e. indoor units. Actually VRV consists of multiple Indoor units and all are connected to one single outdoor unit.

VRV also provide the individual settings of all Indoor units and it can handle both heating and cooling in different zones simultaneously. VRV were originally manufactured by Diakin, Japan. These are more widely used for Industrial applications where ducting isn’t possible.

 There is one problem that Design of VRF systems is more complicated and requires additional work compared to designing a conventional direct expansion (DX) system.
Let’s how VRV is different from other Air conditioning systems:-
Split Air-conditioning
Split type air conditioning you have often seen which consists of one indoor unit along with one oudoor unit i.e. every indoor unit and outdoor unit will constitute a single split AC.
Split air conditioning

Few advantages and Disadvantages of Spilt AC’s
1.    These AC’s have low initial cost
2.      Ease of installation
3.      No ducting required
4.      Each system have own control.
• Distance between indoor and outdoor unit should not be greater than 100- 150 ft otherwise the performance will suffer.
• Limited air throw.

Multi-Split Systems
This system operates similar to split type air- conditioning system however difference is that in this case there are ‘multiple’ evaporator units connected to one external condensing unit.  These type of systems were designed mainly for small to medium commercial applications. These are basically used where ducting isn’t possible.
Each indoor unit has its own set of refrigerant pipe work connecting it to the outdoor unit.

Multi-Stage Air conditioning system

Advantages of Multi-splits
      No need of duct work installation.
·         System efficiency improves then individual Split unit
      Multi-splits are suitable for single thermal zone applications i.e. either for cooling mode or heat mode.

• Main Drawback is that Individual system control not possible.
• In this systems whole system will turn OFF or ON completely in response to a single thermostat. These systems are therefore not suitable for areas/rooms with variable heat gain/loss characteristics.
Variable Refrigerant Flow Or VRV
These type of air conditioners are similar to the multi-split systems which connect one outdoor section to several evaporators main difference is that in multi-split systems there is only one controller which turns OFF or ON completely in response to one master controller. But in VRV systems can adjust the flow of refrigerant to each indoor evaporator.
The control of refrigerant is achieved by continually varying the flow of refrigerant through a pulse modulating valve. Opening of Pulse modulating valve is done by the microprocessor receiving information from the thermistor sensors in each indoor unit.

The indoor units are linked by a control wire to the outdoor unit which responds to the demand from the indoor units by varying its compressor speed to match the total cooling and/or heating requirements.


VRV systems are efficient than air conditioning options and usually save 10- 20% electricity. But they have some high initial cost. Today in modern technology  when there is inverter controlled technology has arrived which will leads to as many as 48 or more indoor units to operate from one outdoor unit .

With VRV refrigerant piping runs of more than 200 ft are possible, and outdoor units are available in sizes up to 240,000 Btuh.

VRF systems are engineered systems and use complex refrigerant and oil control circuitry. The refrigerant pipe-work uses a number of separation tubes and/or headers.A separation tube has 2 branches whereas a header has more than 2 branches. Either of the separation tube or header, or both, can be used for branches. However, the separation tube is NEVER provided after the header because of balancing issues

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

A2XWY; A2XFY Cables meaning; XLPE cables advantages over PVC cables

Technical Specification of Aluminum Cables in terms of codes

So many times you have seen coding while specifying cables technical such as A2XWY now what does this means.

Now there is nomenclature for the same which is used while describing the same.


A -  Aluminium
2X- XLPE Insulation
W – Steel round wire armour
F- Steel Strip Armour
WW- Double Steel round Armour
FF- Double Steel Strip Armour
Y- PVC outer Sheath
Wa- Non Magnetic round wire Armour
Fa- Non Magnetic Strip Armour
AW- Aluminum Wire Armour

Now As per A2XWY – This describes that it is Aluminum cable, XLPE insulated, With Steel round wire armour and having PVC outer Sheath.

This coding is as per IS 7098(Part1):1988.

You have also seen that there is coding for copper so there is no coding required in case of copper cables.

XLPE cables advantages over PVC cables/ Thermoplastic cables:-

1.      XLPE cables have higher Power rating about 1.2 times PVC cables
2.      XLPE cables have higher short circuit rating about 1.2 times of PVC cables.
3.      XLPE cables have higher cable operating temperature i.e. about 90 degree celcius.
4.      XLPE cables have higher Short circuit temprature rating i.e. 250 degree celcius.
5.      XLPE cables have higher insulation resistance about 1000 times that of PVC cables.
6.      XLPE cables have higher resistance to moisture about 100 times that of PVC cables,
7.      XLPE cables have higher resistance chemicals and eroding gases that’s why these are used in erofing weather conditions.
8.      XLPE cables have longer cable life and higher electrical retention strength.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Diesel Generator working principle; Four and two stroke Diesel Generator

In Diesel generator there is Diesel engine which acts as a primary mover, Diesel engine drives an alternator to produce the electricity. In diesel engine air is compressed to a high ratio ranging from 14:1 to 25:1. During this compression, the air is heated to a temperature of 700–900°C. Depending upon the requirement quantity of diesel fuel is then injected into the cylinder, which ignites spontaneously because of the high temperature.

That is why diesel engine is also known as compression ignition engine.

DG has two types
1.      Two stroke and
2.      Four stroke.

Mostly engines use the four stroke cycle. Here below is the working principle of four stroke engine.

Four Stroke - Diesel Engine

There are 4 stroke as below which takes place in Diesel Engine:
(a)    Induction stroke
(b)   Compression stroke
(c)    Ignition & Power Stroke
(d)   Exhaust stroke.

Induction stroke
Inlet valve is open the descending piston draws in fresh air.

Compression stroke
When the valves are closed the air is compressed to a pressure of up to 25 bar.

Ignition and power stroke
Fuel Injection takes place in this stoke, while the valves are closed the fuel ignites naturally and the piston is forced downwards by the burning gases.
Exhaust stroke
The exhaust valve is open and the rising piston discharges the spent gases from the cylinder.

Diesel generator working; DG four Stroke

From above working we have seen that power is developed only in one stroke so a single cylinder four stroke engine could not serve the purpose. So for Smoother operation multi cylinder engines are used because the cranks are staggered in relation to one another on the crankshaft.

There are many variations of engine configuration e.g.
(i)                  4 or 6 cylinder
(ii)               In-line
(iii)             Horizontally opposed
(iv)             Vee or radial.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Current Transformer (CT) and its types; Why CT required; Classification of CT's

In all electrical measurements and protection purposes Current transformers and Voltage transformers are used. You can’t measure current upto 100A by directly connecting to Ammeter as Ammeter required for that purposes will be very much large in size which could not be installed. So CT’s are used for that purposes as CT will feed the current to Ammeter or any other measurement devices within limits of that measurement equipment.

Same is the case of relays , relays can’t handle very high value of current and voltages. CT and PT are used for these purposed as these make current and voltages within limits of relay.

CT and VT function like ‘ears' and the ‘eyes' of the protection system. Relay processes these signals and accordingly give commands to circuit breakers and other protection systems.

Classification of CTs
The CTs can be classified into following types:

1.    Measurement CTs

2.    Protection CTs

A measurement grade CT has much lower VA capacity than a protection grade CT.

These types of CT’s are explained as below:-

1.    Measurement CT’S
A criteria for measurement CT is that they should be accurate over its complete range i.e. from 5% to 125% of normal current. Which means that its magnetizing impedance at low current levels should be very high, which is done in order to accurate measurement of small currents. Note that due to non-linear nature of B-H curve, magnetizing impedance is not constant but varies over the CT's operating range. It is not expected to give linear response during large fault currents.

2.    Protection CT’s
In protection type CT’s there is ultimate requirement that these CT’s should have linear response up to 20 times the rated current, it should be so as that relay could operate accurately. As in case of measurement CT’s magnetizing impedance is high at low current levels but for protection grade CT's magnetizing impedance should be maintained to a large value in the range of the currents of the order of fault currents.

Sometimes CTs can be used for both purposes i.e. for measurement and protection in such cases it has to be of required accuracy class to satisfy both accuracy conditions of measurement CTs and protection CTs. In other words, it has to be accurate for both very small and very large values of current.
Most commonly CT secondary is always rated in range from 1A to 5A.

We are assuming that CT should have linear response but practically it’s not possible as linear response is dependent on the net burden on the CT secondary. Net impedance on the secondary side is assumed as the CT burden.

If burden increase on CT then this will leads to increase in voltage, if voltage exceeds the set limits, then the CT core will saturate and hence linear response will be lost.

Thus we see that CT will give linear response up to 20 times the rated current, there is also an implicit constraint that the CT burden will be kept to a low value. In general, name-plate rating specifies a voltage limit on the secondary (e.g., 100 V) up to which linear response is expected. If the CT burden causes this voltage to be exceeded, CT saturation results.

Classification of CTs

CT’s are classified into two types namely:-
Class T CT
Class C CT
Class T CTs

One or more primary turns are wound on a core in Class T CT as Class T CT is a wound type CT.  These CT’s are associated with high leakage flux in the core. Due to these higher leakage fluxes, the only way to determine CT performance is by test. Standardized performance curves cannot be used with these types of CTs.

Class T CT Curve

Figure above shows one such tested and calibrated curve for a CT. The letter ‘B' indicates the burden in ohms to which the CT is subjected. From curve we will see that when when burden is less than say 0.1 ohms, CT meets the linear performance criterion.

Now you can see from the curve that as the burden increases to 0.5 ohms, the corresponding linearity criteria is not met till the end. Now when burden is increased to 4 ohm there is high deviation from linearity.
Thus it is very clear that keep burden as low as possible so as to attain linearity.

Ratio Error:

CT performance Is measured from the ratio error.
Now what is Ration Error?
The ratio error is the percentage deviation in the current magnitude in the secondary from the desired value.

It can explained as :- Let secondary current is Is, and actual value is Ip/N, where N is nominal ratio and Ip is the primary current then ratio error is given by Ip/N-Is X100.
When the CT is not saturated ratio error is due to of magnetizing current IE since Ip/N-Is =Ie.

Therefore, % ratio error = Ie/IsX100 .

When there is Saturation in CT then coupling between Primary and Secondary get reduced and Hence large ratio errors are expected in saturation. The current in the secondary is also phase shifted.

For measurement grade CTs, there are strict performance requirements on phase angle errors also.
Error in phase angle measurement affects power factor calculation and ultimately real and reactive power measurements.

It is expected that the ratio error for protection grade CTs will be maintained within +10%.

Class C CT
In Class C CT are more accurate CT’s. Where 'C' letter indicates that the leakage flux is negligible.  These type of CT’s are usually bar type CT’s.

In such CTs the leakage flux from the core is very small. Performance of such CT’s can be evaluated from the standard exciting curves.

Ratio error is maintained within for limits for standard operating conditions for such CT’s.

Voltage rating on the secondary is specified on CT’s for which linear response is guaranteed. For example, a class C CT specification could be as follows: 500:5 C 100.

This tell us that 500:5 is the CT ratio and C indicate that it’s curve will be linear up to 100 times rated current provided the burden on the secondary is kept below 100/(5X100) = 0.40 ohm.
Class C CT Curve

For class C CTs, standard chart for versus excitation current on the secondary side is available.

This provides the protection engineer data to do more exact calculations e.g., in determining relaying sensitivity.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Fixed and Variable capacitors; Fixed Capacitors; Variable Capacitors

Fixed capacitor is the capacitor in which capacitor value remains fixed.
In these capacitor capacitance cannot be adjusted. A fixed capacitor is classified according to the type of material used as its dielectric, such as paper, oil, mica, or electrolyte.

These types of capacitors are discussed in earlier post.

As clear from its name variable capacitor is one where A variable capacitor is constructed in such manner that its value of capacitance can be varied.

A variable capacitor is similar to motor having rotor & Stator. It consists of two sets of metal plates arranged so that the rotor plates move between the stator plates. Air acts as dielectric in these capacitors. As the position of the rotor is changed, the capacitance value is likewise changed.

àThis type of capacitor is used for tuning most radio receivers. Its physical appearance and its symbol are shown in figure below.

Another capacitor consists of two plates separated by a sheet of mica. A screw adjustment is used to vary the distance between the plates, thereby changing the capacitance.

Trimmer capacitor.

For knowing about types of Capacitors Visit link below:-

To Know about Series and parallel operation of capacitors Visit link:-

Monday, May 4, 2015

Types of Capacitors; Paper Capacitor; Mica Capacitor; Ceramic Capacitor; Electrolyte Capacitor; Oil Capacitor

Types of Capacitors:-
Capacitors are classified according to type of material used as its dielectric, such as paper, oil, mica, or electrolyte.
(A)    PAPER CAPACITOR That kind of capacitor is made of flat thin strips of metal foil conductors that are separated by waxed paper.

   àRange is 300 picofarads -4 microfarads.
è Voltage =600 volts.
In these capacitors, Capacitors are sealed with wax to prevent the harmful effects of moisture and to prevent corrosion and leakage.
There are so many outer covering used in paper capacitors out of these simplest being a tubular cardboard covering. Some types of paper capacitors are encased in very hard plastic. These types are very rugged and can be used over a much wider temperature range than can the tubular cardboard type.

Paper Capacitors

These type of capacitors are made of metal foil plates that are separated by sheets of mica. Mica is used as Dielectric medium.  The whole assembly is encased in molded plastic.
There are following advantages of Molded plastic coverings:-
1. Corrosion and damage to the plates and dielectric are prevented.
2. Molded plastic case makes the capacitor mechanically stronger.
Mica is an excellent dielectric and can withstand a higher voltage than can a paper dielectric of the same thickness.
Ranges is from 50 picofarads to 0.02 microfarad.

Mica Capacitors

This type of capacitor is named as Ceramic capacitor because it contains a ceramic dielectric.
There are two types of Ceramic capacitors:-
1. Hallow Ceramic Cylinder
In this capacitor is named as Hallow ceramic cylinder capacitor as both the form on which to construct the capacitor and as the dielectric material. The plates consist of thin films of metal deposited on the ceramic cylinder.
2. Disk Shaped Ceramic Capacitor
A second type of ceramic capacitor is manufactured in the shape of a disk. After leads are attached to each side of the capacitor, the capacitor is completely covered with an insulating moisture-proof coating.
Range1 picofarad - 0.01 microfarad
voltages Range is as high as 30,000 volts.

Ceramic Capacitors

Ceramic Capacitors

These types of capacitors are used where a large amount of capacitance is required. In these type of capacitors electrolyte is used as dielectric medium. Electrolyte used in these capacitors may be in form of liquid. Liquid type electrolytic capacitors are no longer used as care is needed to prevent spilling of electrolyte.

Electrolytic Capacitor

A dry electrolytic capacitor consists essentially of two metal plates separated by the electrolyte.
In these capacitors capacitor is housed in a cylindrical aluminum container which acts as the negative terminal of the capacitor. The positive terminal is a lug on the bottom end of the container.

Multi-section electrolytic capacitor is illustrated in figure. In figure above there are four capacitors enclosed in one capacitor. Four lugs shown above acts as positive. Each capacitor is identified by an embossed mark adjacent to the lugs, as shown in figure above.
Note the identifying marks used are the
(a)    Half moon
(b)    The triangle
(c)    The square
(d)    No embossed mark.
By looking at the bottom of the container and the identifying sheet pasted to the side of the container, you can easily identify the value of each section.

Internal construction of an electrolytic capacitor similar to paper capacitor. The positive plate consists of aluminum foil covered with an extremely thin film of oxide. This thin oxide film acts as the dielectric of the capacitor. Next to and in contact with the oxide is a strip of paper or gauze which has been impregnated with a paste-like electrolyte. The electrolyte acts as the negative plate of the capacitor. A second strip of aluminum foil is then placed against the electrolyte to provide electrical contact to the negative electrode. When the three layers are in place they are rolled up into a cylinder as shown in figure above.

An electrolytic capacitor has main disadvantages as:-
Electrolytic type capacitor has Low leakage resistance as it is polarized. This means there are chances that positive plate be accidentally connected to the negative terminal of the source as the thin oxide film dielectric will dissolve and the capacitor will become a conductor.
As electrolytic capacitors are polarity sensitive there use is restricted to a dc circuit only or to a ac circuit where a small ac voltage is superimposed on a dc voltage.
Special electrolytic capacitors are available for certain ac applications, such as a motor starting capacitor.
Range of Dry type capacitors is 4 microfarads - several thousand microfarads.
Working voltage of approximately 500 volts.

That type of capacitor is often used in high-power electronic equipment.  Oil filled capacitor is similar to Paper capacitor only difference is that paper capacitor is immersed in oil. Since oil impregnated paper has a high dielectric constant, it can be used in the production of capacitors having a high capacitance value. Such a capacitor is referred to as a SELF-HEALING capacitor.

For Knowing about fixed and variable capacitors visit here:-

To know how capacitor stores charge visit link below:-

To know about  capacitor series and Parallel operations visit link:-