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Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Ways of Lighting the Home during Festivals

During festival season we always want to lighten and brighten up the home with so  many decorative lights, Diyas, and various other means. There are following ways of lighting the homes;-

1. Take strip of LED lights which are available in various forms such as LED strip and LED lights. In LED strip there is strip with LED lights installed over there earlier these strips were mostly installed in tubes and these are well known as LED tube strip lights and were purchased considering longer life of lights but earlier the whole strip was coming up with same colour and with one mode only but now days multi-colour strips are available in the market with various modes are available in the market. So you can buy these strips and you can install these strips in any area. These lights will given the dynamic looks to your home. These LED strips looks like as below:-
You can see that these are now also available with remote control and Wifi Control.

2. LED Lights with multiple small LED bulbs are also available in the market these lights are came up with multi-colours and multiple designs. These lights length may be upto 100 meters which everyone can buy according to their needs. It is quite easy to install long length LED lights than different length LED lights and also have longer life and doesn't requires multiple connectors for LED lights installation.

These all lights are quite easy to install. You can hand them directly from Balcony or from roof of building and these are waterproof LED lights. For connecting multiple LED strips and LED lights to one power source power strip is used for connecting the same. Which are not very much expensive. These are available in range of 50-100 Rs. per strip.

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