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Saturday, March 6, 2021

Electric Bulb parts and their functions

 Electric Bulb is an integral part of all house holds, Industries, commercial establishments, warehouses and offices. Although these electrical bulbs are now getting replaced by LED lights, decorative lights and various other lights but still electric bulb is most widely used considering lower cost of bulb. 

Electric bulbs are also known as Tungsten filament lamps as tungsten is used in these lamps for producing the light. In that bulb electrical current is passed through filament and due to electric current filament get heated up and heating element produces light.

There are following parts of Electrical bulb:-

1.     Glass in the form of bulb

2.     Typically argon inert gas is used inside bulbs

3.     Tungsten filament is used for producing light as tungsten is quite cheap and have very high melting point. Further it has high resistivity so it can’t burn easily. Filament can be heated up to temperature of 2500 degree Celsius.

4.     Contact wires used for providing connections with base.

5.     Support wires are used for holding filament.

6.     Stem-It is centre glass and it supports filament in the place.

7.     Screw threads are from metal for screwing the same into holder. Also known as base. The main function of the part is to transfer electricity from electric source to the inside of light bulb.

8.     Electrical foot contact

Typically tungsten filament lamp is shown as below:-


We must take precaution while handling the bulb when it is lighted up as due to high heat produced during its functioning . Due to high heat produced inside the bulb this high heat resulted into heating up the glass and when you try to touch the bulb you may burn your hands. So be careful while dealing with bulb immediately after the operation of bulb.

Also since its glass get heated up considerably so it is not advisable to put a water soaked cloth on the bulb as bulb may get blasted and may get fused.

Note:- Although LED lights are replacing these tungsten bulbs but still most widely used considering lower cost of bulbs and durability of these lamps. 

1 comment:

  1. बल्ब के आविष्कार होने से पहले एक समय ऐसा भी था जब लोग रौशनी के लिए दिए, मोहम्बत्ति का इस्तमाल किया करते थे. लेकिन इस प्रकार के चीज़ों का अगर सही तरीके से इस्तमाल नहीं किया गया था बहुत सी दुर्घटनाएं भी हो जाती थी. वहीँ इसके अलावा इनका रख रखाव भी उतना आसान नहीं था.

    लेकिन जब थॉमस ऐल्वा एडीसन ने बल्ब का आविष्कार किसने किया और कब (Bulb ka avishkar kisne kiya) कर दिया तब मानो पुरे विश्व का चित्र ही बदल गया. अब लोगों को अँधेरे से और डरने की कोई जरुरत नहीं पड़ती थी. साथ में हम केवल घर नहीं घर के बाहर भी बल्ब का इस्तमाल होने लगा. तो आज के इस आर्टिकल में हम ये जानेंगे की आखिर बल्ब का आविष्कार किसने किया था और कब किया था. वहीँ उसके अलावा भी कुछ जरुरी जानकारी के विषय में जानेंगे.


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