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Sunday, April 18, 2021

Money Saving tips


Money is very hard to get earned and you will try to save as much as you can. Every penny saved is equivalent to earned money.

There are few tips which will help you save some money: -

1.       Bargain while buying: - Today generation is reluctant for bargaining while shopping. But try to bargain as much as you can, even if you are still reluctant to bargain they for the first time just ask for some discount they will definitely offer some discount and this same atleast 2-5%.

2.       Try at 2-3 shops before buying final product considering they will offer you more discounted price.

3.        Switch off lights when not in use and even don’t keep electronics equipment in standby mode as in standby mode also they will consume some electricity. This will reduce your bill by atleast 2%.

4.       While buying grocery go to wholesale market instead of online shopping as you will find out more discounts and more alternative good products over there which will reduce the purchasing cost by atleast 5%.

5.       While buying fruits and vegetables try to visit nearby fruit and vegetable market instead of online buying as you will get more fresh fruits and vegetables at a reasonable cost and you will save atleast 10% on totality.

6.       If you are plant lover than grow some vegetables along with plants by doing so you will get organic vegetables for cooking. This will not reduce your cost of procurement but give you some internal belief to for more organic food.

7.       While paying online utility bills check for all apps and pay only from those apps which offer maximum discounts.

8.       If you have good co-ordination with your neighbors than ask them to go for combined Wi-fi which is installed between both doors and you will both enjoy the Wi-fi at half price.

9.       Bundle your mobile connections as offered by telecom companies which will reduce your telephone bill by great amount.

10.   Convert your vehicle running on petrol to CNG this will reduce your fuel charges by more than 67%.

11.   Try to use public convenience while going over long distances.

12.   Replace the old air conditioner with new 5 star rated AC to save more in terms of electricity bill.

13.   Get the vehicle in fit condition to avoid more consumption of fuel by vehicle.

14.   Avoid outside food which eat out your pocket and your health. If still going for outside food check for alternatives available in the market as you will be get heavy discounts while booking from some apps. You can get discounts even upto 50% while dining out.

15.   Don’t store too much items to avoid expiry of products which we usually buy to get offers discount benefits.



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