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Friday, April 30, 2021

Parts of Plant


In Human life Plants plays an important role. They provide following to human:-

1.       Oxygen

2.       Food

3.       Medical Benefits

4.       Cloths

Apart from human being these provide shelter to animals and birds. Without Plants life is impossible.

There are following parts of plants:-

1.       Roots

2.       Stem

3.       Leaves

4.       Fruits

5.       Flowers

Parts of Plant

Now let’s discuss about them:-

1.       Roots:- Roots are underground part of plants, They provide strength to plant to stay intact to earth in its position. More deeper the roots are more strength it provides to plants.  They provide water requirements of plants as they absorb water and mineral from the soil. Whenever we provide water to plants it is get passed to plants only through its roots.  They act as heart of the plant and they are main part for photosynthesis of plants.

When plants get converted into trees then these roots get even deeper to earth to reach out at water level of plants from where these absorb the water requirement of tree.

2.       Stem:-It is part of plant which is above the ground and when plants are get converted into trees its stem colour changed to brown and for smaller plants stems are green in colour. This is the basis of shoot system and at stems flowers, leaves and fruits are grown. The part of stem where leaves and fruit are grown is known as node and the area between the node is known as internodes.

From roots Food, water and minerals will reach to other parts of plant through stem only. They will store the excess food made by plants in the form of starch.  Apart from flowers, leaves and fruits few stems even have thorn around the stem which protect the plants from animals and birds. Stems also help in reproduction e.g. if we cut the few barks of plants these will regrown after a few time which is known as reproduction and even few plants stems are used in plantation of new plants.

3.       Leaves:- These are smaller but yet most important part of plant as leaves contains chlorophyll which helps the plants to prepare food during photosynthesis.  There are following parts of leaves:-

(i)                 Petiole

(ii)               Leaf base

(iii)             Lamina

Petiole will keep the leaf cool by exposing the leaf blade to environment from where leave remains in touch with air.

Leaf base is an expanded part of leaf.

Lamina of the leaf contains veins which provide strength to the leaf blade and also help in providing water and minerals upto leaves.

Apart from chlorophyll leaves also plays important role in removal of excess water from plants through tiny pores known as stomata. Further leaves also help in reproduction.

Leaves also beatify the plants and serves as important food for animals.

4.       Fruits:-

Some plants along with leaves and flowers also produce fruits.

5.       Flowers:”-

Flowers are reproductive part of plant and these beautify the plant. There are following parts of flowers:-

(i)                  Petals

(ii)                Stamens

(iii)               Sepals

(iv)              Pistil

Petals attract the insects and birds being a most beautiful and colourful part of plant.

Stamens are the male part of flower it consists of anther and filament.

Sepal are the part which is under petal and is green leafy part and this protects the flower buds from getting damaged.

And Pistil is female part of the flower which consists of stigma, style and ovary.  

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