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Sunday, April 18, 2021

Renewable energy sources


Renewable energy sources are the sources of energy which can’t get extinct over the period of time. Non-renewable sources are limited available and will get extinct over the period of time examples are Crude oil, Coal etc.

There are following renewable energy sources which are great source of energy and we can tap off that energy as much as can:-

1.       Solar energy

2.       Wind energy

3.       Hydro energy

4.       Geothermal energy

5.       Biomass energy

We will discuss about these available energy sources and all over the world these energy sources are getting tapped abundantly so as to get reduce the reliability on non-renewable energy sources. Also these non-renewable energy source are not available with every country and in countries where non-renewable energy sources are available abundantly are charging very high for giving to other countries.

1.       Solar energy:- Solar energy can be used for generation of electricity, heating purposes and for growing plants. With over the period of time with lot of  developments in solar cells, generation of electricity from solar energy has gained momentum and in few years it will form major portion of production of electricity.

2.       Wind energy:- As clear from its name, wind energy can be tapped off to generate electricity. Only constraints in this form of energy are that we can generate electricity by using wind only at high altitudes or at planes where wind is flowing at higher speeds.

3.       Hydro energy:- In this water flow is used for generation of electricity. This can be tapped off by building dams across the rivers.

4.       Geothermal energy:- In this form natural heat below earth surface can be used to heat homes or generate electricity. But this type of energy is very difficult to tap off and it is very hard to handle the heat for useful purposes.

5.       Biomass energy:- By using Solid fuel from plants and waste generated from animals. By burning both of these heat is generated and which is used to produce electricity and even Biogas plants are used to generate electricity and natural gas to run vehicles. Further waste generated after generation of electricity can be used in fields in case of Biogas plants as manure generated during that process in quite useful.

Some people also consider Nuclear energy as renewable energy but same isn’t true as it required radioactive material for production of electricity which is limited available in the market. Further there are so much harmful effects of nuclear energy. But nuclear energy is having Zero Carbon emissions. Which means that they generate very low emissions and zero co2.

Advantage of Renewable energy sources:-

1.       Zero emissions which will leads to purification of our environment.

2.       People can generate electricity at their homes by using Solar and Biogas plants which ultimately reduce their electricity bills and even now-days they can sell to power companies.

3.       Maintenance required for solar plants and wind turbines is minimum.

4.       Renewable energy sources provide more health benefits considering zero emissions.

Disadvantages of renewable energy source:-

1.       Higher initial cost of installation

2.       Large space requirement for production of same amount of electricity as in case of non-renewable energy plants.

3.       Solar energy dependent on weather and wind turbines dependent on wind so limited power generation during absence of sun and wind respectively. Solar power can be generated in day time only so energy required to be stored during day for usage during night hours. So lot of storage space and storage equipment required for the same.

Apart from Biomass plants now governments are more focused towards generation of electricity from House hold waste. House hold waste may be either vegetables waste or other waste. Since waste handling is becoming a burden for all the governments so more and more startups are coming up for generation of energy from this wate.

All countries are pushing towards the renewable energy sources so as to cut their import bills for usage of non-renewable energy sources.


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