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Saturday, May 1, 2021

Save Water Save earth


On earth 71% of the water is covered with water and out of 71%, 96.5% is occupied by oceans. The remaining water is available in following:-

1.      Rivers

2.      Lakes

3.      Glaciers

4.      Water vapors

Despite so much water available on earth but there are some surprising facts about drinkable water available water:-

(i)                 On earth more than 2.0 billion people don’t have access to drinkable water and further more than 1.3 billion people don’t have hand washing facility at their homes.

(ii)                Only 3% of fresh water on earth and out of which 2.5% is locked up in Glaciers, atmosphere, and Soil or water is highly polluted and 0.5% is fresh water.

Save Water Save Earth

So there is requirement of saving the water so as to save earth and life’s. There is no life on earth without water. Ocean water isn’t usable as it contains so many salts. It is because of these salts it is not possible to use the water for drinking, washing and irrigation purposes. In Oceans there are so many salts which our body cannot get rid of and it causes dehydration.

That doesn’t implies that we can’t turn ocean water into fresh water there are technologies which can convert salty water into fresh water. Sea water has  more than 35000 ppm of salt. So it Is quite difficult to remove the salt from water. This is as good as boiling the sea water into a Pan and capturing the steam back into water by condensation. 

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