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Saturday, May 1, 2021

Solar eclipse and Lunar eclipse


Sun and moon are the main source of light for earth. While sunlight is the primary source of light for earth. Moon is a satellite which rotates around the earth and reflects the sun light on to the earth during night.

There are 2 types eclipses:-

1.      Solar eclipse

2.      Lunar eclipse

Solar eclipse:-

Solar eclipse happens when moon passes in between earth and the sun. Solar eclipse is known as Surya Grahan. This event occurs after every 18 months. During Solar eclipse moon hides partially or fully the earth from sun rays.  There are 3 type of solar eclipse, these are as below:-

(i)                 Total Solar eclipse

(ii)               Partial Solar eclipse

(iii)             Annual Solar eclipse

Solar eclipse happens in day time only. It is always advisable to see the solar eclipse through protective glasses and shouldn’t be seen through naked eyes.

Solar Eclipse

Lunar eclipse:-

Lunar eclipse is also called as Chander Grahan and it happens only when moon is directly opposite to the sun and earth came between sun and moon. Lunar eclipse happens only twice a year as we can’t see the lunar eclipse on full moon day as sun is not precisely in line with earth and moon orbit around the earth is tilted by 5 degree.

During lunar eclipse the earth hides the moon partially or fully for a particular period of time. Lunar eclipse can be seen from many parts of the earth not as solar eclipse which can be seen from few parts of earth only.

Lunar Eclipse

Lunar eclipse occurs during night hours only. You can see the lunar eclipse with naked eyes without any protective glasses.

Lunar eclipse occurs for longer duration of time than solar eclipse.

There is question in every mind that why not lunar eclipse occurred every month as moon orbits around the earth. It is true that moon orbits around the earth every month but it doesn’t get earth shadow as moon path is tilted compared to earth orbit around the sun. When moon reach behind the sun but still able to get the sunlight.

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