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Saturday, May 28, 2022

Interesting Facts about Brain


Brain is human most powerful organ and it is most complex part of body. Brain consists of millions of neurons or you may call them as nerve cells which communicate trillions of synapses.   

There are following very interesting facts about our brain:-

1.     Men tends to larger size of brain against women brain. This doesn’t mean that men are more intelligent than women.

2.     Brain weight is usually 3 pounds only.

3.     There is always a myth around that we are using only 10% of brain but instead we are using 100% of brain even when we were sleeping.

4.     Cerebrospinal is the fluid which is found around brain and spinal cord. If doctor thinks that there is problem with nervous system, then they take a sample of it.

5.     It is quite interesting to know that brain consists of Cells, Arteries, Arterioles and nerve fibres but 60% of brain is made from fat. It is fattiest organ of human body.

6.     Human brain consists of 86 billion neurons and 85 billion non-neurons. Each neuron of the brain has connections to other neurons thus making 1000 trillion connections. This make our memory as unlimited storage capacity.

7.     We hear about decease known as Alzheimer which is related to forgetting something. This happens when many neurons get damaged or stopped working.

8.     Brain get developed upto age of 3 years by 80% and 90% upto the age of 5 years.  Brian fully get developed at the age of 25 years.

9.     It will take 3000 years to count the all neurons.

10.  Neurons can send the information to brain at speed of 150 miles per hour.

11.  Brain is more powerful than a super computer

12.  Human brain can generate electricity to lighten up a bulb.

13.   Human brain is only 2% of body weight.

14.  Sperm whale has the largest brain weight. It weight is around 20 pounds.

15.   It has been often called that there are 2 parts of mind, conscious mind and subconscious mind. Subconscious mind controls our Blood circulation, Heartbeat, regular digestion etc. When we were sleeping our conscious mind becomes dormant but our subconscious mind will remains fully awake.



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