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Monday, May 30, 2022

Interesting Facts About Nepal


In this article we will find some interesting facts about Country naming Nepal. Nepal is known for World Highest Peak Mount Everest apart from Highest peak which attracts lot of mountaineers and tourists there are so many interesting facts about this country which you quite amazing. Few of them are listed as below: -

1.      Nepal is known as Hometown of Budhha.

2.      Nepal is also known as “Ceiling of the World” as it consists of 8 of world of highest mountains. These eight mountain names are Mount Everest, Kanchenjunga, Annapurna, Manaslu, Cho Oyu, Makalu, Lhotse, Dhaulagiri, Manaslu.  These all peaks have height more than 8000 meters.

3.      Nepal was never conquered by any outsiders so they don’t have any independence day. Monarchical government rule was there until 2008 thereafter it become Democratic republic.

4.      There are seven sites which are classified as World Heritage sites names of the same are as below: -

(a)    Pashupatinath Temple

(b)   Patan Durbar Square

(c)    Kathmandu Durbar Square

(d)   Changu Narayan Temple

(e)   Boudhanath

(f)     Bhaktapur Durbar Square

(g)    Swayambhunath

These all seven sites are in Kathmandu within 15 Km.

5.      Kathmandu is also named as Living Cultural Museum of the world.

6.      People of Nepal claimed that Yeti known as Big foot in North American is quite often seen in Mountains of Nepal. It is called Yeti as “Meh-Teh” in Tibetan folklore. It is described as 10-20 feet tall.

7.      Nepal is also source initiation of world known rivers Bharmaputra, Yamuna and Ganga.

8.      Himalaya consists of 3rd Largest deposits of snow.

9.      Nepal has 2nd deepest Canyon in the world formed by Kali Gandaki river. This is about 6000 meters deep. This is located between two mountains naming as Annapurna and Dhaulagiri.

10.  Mount Everest was discovered in 1852 by Chief Computer Mr. Radanath Sikhdar who was working with Survey of India at that time. Name of the Mount Everest was named after “Sir George Everest” on recommendations after “Andrew Waugh” in Year 1865.

11.  The capital of Nepal is Kathmandu as once a lake. According to Nepalese Mythology Manjusri came to Kathmandu and cut the George at Chovar into half with his mighty sword and drained the water so that civilization prosperous.

12.  As we have seen that most of the country flags are quadrilateral in shape but Nepal flag consists of 2 triangles which represents peaks of Himalaya. The upper part of flag has Moon and lower part has sun on it. These two symbols are for two communities in Nepal Hindu and Budhhism.

13.   Gautama Budhha was born in Nepal in Lumbini in 623 BC.

14.  Nepal follows the Bikram Sambat Calendar. 2022 is 2078 in Bikram Sambat Calendar.

15.  In Nepal Saturday is Holiday and people work on Sundays.

16.  Nepal major source of Income came from tourism.

17.  Nepal National Sport is Volleyball they even send team for Olympics but they never a medal at Olympics.

18.  In Nepal you can find weed growing in all over Nepal.

19.  Nepal has total railway network of 59 Km only.

20.  There are 43 airports in Nepal.

21.  Geographical of Nepal is 1,47,516 square Km.

22.  Nepal flag was designed by Shankar Nath Rimal in 16th December 1962. He was a Civil engineer and he made the flag on request of King Mahendra.

23.  Nepal is called as Landlocked country as there is no sea touching that country.

24.  Nepal Army named as Gurkhas are the part of British Army Since 1815.

25.  In Nepal living Goddness as “Kumari” is worshipped.

26.  There is lake naming Tilicho Lake which is world highest lake situated at height of 4800 meters above sea level.

27.  Nepal has deepest lake in world naming as Shey-Phoksundo Lake which is about 145 meters deep.

28.  In Nepal Everest view hotel is Hotel situated at highest level in the world.

29.  Arun Valley in Nepal is the highest Valley on earth.

30.  Nepal is also called as Amazon of Asia.



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