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Sunday, May 29, 2022

Mongolia- Fascinating Facts


In today world there are some countries which are discussed and are always least on new front. Mongolia is one of them. In this article we will discuss some interesting facts about this country: -

1.      This country is having borders with China and Russia.

2.      Its Capital is Ulaanbaatar which centers around the Mongol Empire founder (13th-14th Century) named Genghis Khan.

3.      It has population of only 3.2 million which makes it one of least populated country. Out of 3 million population half of population lives in its capital.

4.      25% of Mongolia Population still follows Nomadic lifestyle.

5.      By area Mongolia stands at 18th No.

6.      The Nation longest holidays came during Naadam Festival

7.      Naadam festival is also the biggest sports event of Mongolia

8.      The biggest desert of Asia known as Gobi Desert is found here. This also contains the biggest fossils of Dinosaurs.

9.      The other name by which this country is popular in the World is “The Land of Blue Sky” as in this country you will find more than 260 days of clear blue sky.

10.  In this country you can find 2 hump camels which is endangered animal and also called as The Bectrian Camel.

11.  Snow leopards are also found in Mongolia, 1/3rd of world leopard population are found in Mongolia.

12.  In extreme cold Mongolia people love to eat the ice cream, even during temperatures on -30 degree Celsius you can find ice cream vendors selling the ice cream.

13.  Genghis Khan made the Mongolia empire largest in the world in just 25 years which was exceeded only by British Empire in the 19th Century.

14.  Mongolia is also part of UN. It became part of UN in year 1961.

15.  There are so many sheep’s in Mongolia there are 35 sheep’s for every person.

16.  Mongolia has record in Guinness world record for organizing world largest competition in wrestling.

17.  Gobi Desert has an area of 1.3 million square Km. It is world 6th Largest desert. Gobi Desert is classified as Cold Desert. We can find here snow and frost on the desert dunes.

18.  In Gobi Desert Temperature ranges from -32.8 degree to 37 degrees Celsius in Winters and summers respectively.

19.  Gobi Desert is growing in its size every year and it is adding 3600 Km of area every year towards southern part of china due to construction activities, cutting of trees etc.

20.  There is a Cryptozoological like worm found here in this Desert which is so much poisonous that even touching it means road to death. It is usually 60 cm to 1.5 meters long.

21.  Official currency of Mongolia is Togrog or Tugrik.

22.   Low population is this country is due to extreme weather and geographical conditions.

23.  The highest peak of Mongolia is bordering with China having height of 4356 meters and is known as Friendship peak (Khuiten Peak).

24.  Mongolia has low forest area usually only 8% of area is covered by forests.

25.  Genghis Khan was born in Year 1162 in Deluun Boldog and died in year 1227 i.e. at an age of 65 years. He expanded his empire from Pacific Ocean to Eastern Europe.

26.  You will be surprised to find that his empire includes following:-

Korea, Most Part of China, Pakistan that times part of India, Moldova, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Armenia, Georgia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Some part of Russia, Kuwait, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan.   

27.  His military killed more than 40 million population.

28.  His original name was Temujin.

29.  The two hump camels that are found in Mongolia are the only mammals which are capable of drinking salty water without falling ill.

30.  They can drink even up to 57 liters of water at one go.

31.  Mongolia has extensive stocks of mineral deposits such as copper, coal, gold, Tin, Tungsten etc. Which are main source of income of Mongolia People.



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