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Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Africa-Interesting Facts


In this article we will discuss about interesting facts of Africa Continent. This is second largest content and second most populated continent in the world. Below are the special interesting facts about Africa continent: -

1.      It covers about 6% of Earth total surface area.

2.      It has total area of 30.3 million square km.

3.      In this country there are 54 countries.

4.      There are so many deserts, mountains, rain forests, and grasslands which are fertile in nature.

5.      More than 70% of Africa population survives on less than $2 a day.

6.      Famine and Disease kill the millions of people in Africa every year.

7.      Largest country in terms of area of Africa is Algeria which has total area of 2.38 million square km.

8.      Largest city of Africa is Cairo; Egypt with population of 9.5 million.

9.      Largest lake of Africa is Victoria which is 26828 square miles in total area.

10.  Tallest mountain of Africa is Kilimanjaro, Tanzania which is having height of 19,340 feet.

11.  Length and breadth of this continent is almost same from North to south its length is 8000 km and about 7400 km from east to west i.e. length and width of this continent is almost the same.

12.   Africa most populated city is Nigeria and it has population of 20.61 crores i.e. 206 million and least populated city of Africa is Seychelles is 98000 only.

13.    Arabic is most widely spoken language in Africa and there are more than 2000 different languages spoken in Africa.

14.  Victoria Falls is having height of 355 ft. and width of mile is the largest waterfall of Africa and it is located on Zambia and Zimbabwe borders.  

15.  The world largest desert naming as Sahara Desert is in Africa.

16.  South Africa which part of Africa is famous for world largest Green Canyon in the world naming as “The Blyde River Canyon”.

17.  Africa is famous for producing 50% gold and diamonds in the whole world.

18.  It has been assumed that Human history was started in Africa which is somewhere around Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania.

19.  In Africa you can find also the world 3rd lowest point on earth behind Dead sea and Sea of Galilee and is located in Djibouti in Afar Triangle. This point is at 155 meters below sea level.

20.  In Africa there are also oldest Tribe which are descendants of first Homo Sapiens and they are living in Namibia, Angola, South Africa and Botswana from over 20000 years.

21.  Africa Continent is world hottest continent in the world.

22.  It will be quite interesting to know that in Nigeria there are world highest no. of twin born. That is why it is known as “The land of Twins”.

23.  In Africa there are 90% cases of Malaria in world.

24.  There is only 9 miles’ distance between Africa and Europe. This is the distance between Morocco and Spain.

25.  In Africa you can find world old university which is situated in Timbuktu, Mali and it was opened in 982 CE.

26.  You can found also the world biggest frogs here and these can be as long as up to 1 foot and can have weight above 8lb.

27.  You will be surprised to find that everyone knows land of pyramids as Egypt but Sudan has more pyramids than Egypt and there are 223 pyramids which are twice that of Egypt pyramids. There are forgotten pyramids naming as Meroe Pyramids and these were once the capital of Great Kingdom of Kush which was ruled by Nubian Kings.

28.  You can find here 280000 wind mills in South Africa alone which are way too much higher than Netherlands which is known as Land of windmills, it has only 10000 windmills.

29.  In Africa there is EL Azizian, Libya where hottest temperature was recorded of 58 degree Celsius.

30.  There is a country naming Tunisia which is situated in North of Africa where people believe that fishes has supernatural significance and these fishes can guard them from evil spirits. They even build their houses with walls embedded with fish bones.

31.  Elephants of Africa are the biggest living land mammals and they have weight over 6 tons and can be up to 7 meters long. Also Africa is land for Tallest animals i.e. Giraffe.

32.  This continent is surrounds by following seas:-

(a)    The Red Sea- Northeast

(b)   Indian Ocean- Southeast

(c)    Atlantic ocean- West

(d)   Mediterranean Sea- North

33.  Majority of people there in Africa follows Muslim religion and at second no. is Christianity.

34.  Hottest place of world is in Africa naming Ethiopia.

35.   In this continent equator passes through middle. So that’s why it received direct sunlight throughout the year.


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