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Saturday, August 6, 2022

Petrol Vs Diesel Vs CNG Vs Electric Vs Smarthybrid Cars

Which Car Should I Buy now?

There are so many car model with different fuel available in the market so everyone is quite confused about which car the person can buy. Now in India there are following options available in fuel:-

1.       Petrol

2.       Diesel

3.       CNG

4.       Electric

5.       Star Hybrid

Now, due to increased prices of petrol and diesel in past people try to get shifted to CNG and even bought CNG vehicles but now CNG prices are now increase by approx.50% and in few stated CNG prices are higher than Petrol so people are the real sufferers as they can’t understand what they can do now.

Electric cars are now also available in the market but to higher time of charging and charging infrastructure at highways is at development stage so people are still reluctant to buy the electric vehicle. Apart from charging infrastructure costing of electric vehicle is quite high than the same variant available in petrol.


These can factors are quite confusing for the people when they are planning to buy a new car. This article will help in getting the issues resolved.

Petrol Vs CNG:-

Now after implementation of BS-IV. Petrol and Diesel cars average had been increased. Therefore, average running cost of petrol vehicle is around Rs.6-7 per KM and CNG vehicle will cost you around Rs.4.5-5.5 per KM depending upon the city in which you resides. Now Company fitted CNG vehicle cost is around 1.5 Lacs more than petrol vehicle so there are savings to Rs.1.5 per Km running so you have run at-least 1 lac Kms for recovering the additional costing against CNG vehicle.

 In doing so you could have spent 5 years already in the vehicle and you can now calculate the interest cost of additional costing against CNG vehicle, now if we do a FD @6% annually for extra Rs.1.5 lacs against CNG vehicle purchase than you will get an interest of Rs.9000/- each year and which means Rs.45000/- for 5 years period and this means you have to run the vehicle additional 30000 KMs.  

Therefore, you can see there is no advantage of buying CNG vehicle at all now days. There are following disadvantages of CNG vehicles as well:-

(i)                  CNG cylinder will take you all Boot space of car. Therefore, you have do some additional arrangement for carrying the luggage.

(ii)                You have wait in queues for filling the vehicle.

(iii)               CNG cylinders are having small capacity, your car can run for only 200-230 kms in single filling means you have to search for new CNG station for filling the Cylinder.

(iv)               Safety is another aspect as CNG is filled in cylinder at very high pressure of 200 bar which is quite dangerous as in past few instances of cylinder blast also happened.

(v)                You have to do your CNG cylinder get hydrotested after every 3 years which means you have send your car for hydrotesting at hydrotesting centres.


Diesel Vs Petrol Vs CNG

CNG vehicle has never a competition with Diesel Vehicle so we considered only Petrol Vs CNG Cars comparison as average of Diesel and CNG vehicles was in line and now days per km running cost of CNG vehicle is higher than Diesel vehicle. Therefore, Diesel vehicle running cost is cheapest among petrol and CNG.

The main issue with Diesel Vehicle is its initial purchase price, which is quite higher than Petrol and CNG cars. Further, in few states such as Delhi you cannot run Diesel vehicle beyond 10 years and petrol and CNG vehicles can run for 15 years as Diesel vehicles discharges more pollutants while running in comparison to Petrol and CNG vehicles.

With increasing cost of Diesel cars, insurance cost and other associated costs also are increased every year.


Electric Vehicles:-

Electric vehicles are now gaining more limelight as government has more push for switching to electric transport due to increasing pollution levels. Government is also offering subsidies on buying the electric vehicles and even they pushing companies to develop charging infrastructure. There are following issues with electric cars:-

(i)                  Poor charging infrastructure.

(ii)                Higher charging time

(iii)               Very high on road price compared to petrol and diesel variants.

(iv)               Run up 200-300 km in single charging so issue on highways for charging the vehicles.

Although electric vehicles has gained momentum as its running, cost is only 1.5-2.5 Rupee per km.

You can see that two wheeler users are quite comfortable in switching to electric than four wheelers all this is due to above mentioned factors.

Smart Hybrid Cars:-

There is another option called as smarthybrid technology is available only in petrol variants and in this case, when you are using brakes than your battery get charged using regenerative technology. This charged battery now drives the vehicle when you are on highway and in way, it will reduce your petrol consumption thus increasing your vehicle average per litre.  Smarthybrid vehicle are somewhat costly than the similar variant but it is quite worth paying for additional mileage.


So, all the advantages and disadvantages has been already mentioned so you can buy as per your choice.


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