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Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Apple Inc. Interesting Facts


In this article we will discuss about one of the largest company in the world naming as Apple Inc. Everyone know how much craze is there in the world for their products and even people are ready to premium for their products even same specification products are available in the market at discounted prices. There are few amazing facts about this company which we will discuss here: -

1.       The Apple logo we see on the Apple products wasn’t the initial logo of the company, initial logo of the company was Sir Isaac Newton sitting under an Apple tree. With one apple is brightest on the tree. That logo was designed by Apple co-founder Ronald Wayne.

2.       The logo with rainbows in Apple with one bite missing was designed by Graphic Designer Rob Janoff in year 1977 till 1999.

3.       Apple reported Revenue of $378.35 billion in year 2021 despite the impact of Corona Pandemic.

4.       As per reports Apple Inc. was having more cash than US government.

5.       The company was founded on 1st April 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne.

6.       The company launched Apple I in 1976 at price of $666.66.

7.       In year 2021 Apple Inc. total employees were 154000 in nos.

8.       Apple iPad retina display is manufactured by its competitor Samsung.

9.       On all Apple Advertisements you can see the time on iPhone and iPad as 9:41 it is the time when Steve jobs launched the first product in 2007.

10.   The famous product for listening the music iPod is now longer available in the market. It was developed by Tony Fedell and he first offered that idea to Philips and RealNetworks but they refused to that idea.

11.   Samsung is major supplier of A8 chips of Apple iPhone 6 i.e. they provide 30% of A8 chips.

12.   The third founder naming Ronald Wayne was having 10% Share in Apple Inc. but sold the same for just $800 after 12 days of his joining. Today he might be regretting as that 10% will be now more than $200 billion.

13.   It will proud to say that there is one in three Apple Inc. engineers is from India.

14.   Steve jobs resigned from Apple Inc. in 1985 due to power struggle with CEO Johan Sculley. Steve Jobs was co-founder but still he resigned which was quite surprising.

15.   After resignation Steve Jobs went on to make NeXT Computers and Pixer.

16.   Steve Jobs again joined the Apple Inc. in 1996 when Apple Inc. bought NeXT computer. The technology of NeXT computers is used in Mac OS X.

17.    Tim Cook joined the Apple Inc. in Year 1998 after recruited by Steve Jobs. He is now CEO of the company Since 2011 as due to health issues Steve jobs get sidelined.

18.   Before joining Apple Inc. Tim Cook worked with IBM for 12 years, COO of intelligent Electronics and for a short duration at Compaq. He has done his Masters from Duke University School of Business.

19.    Apple products are available in more than 175 countries worldwide.

20.   There are 6 other companies owned by Apple Inc. Naming as Siri Inc., Shazam, NeXT Software, AuthenTec, Mobeeve.

21.   Apple Inc. is now making self-driving cars and they are expected to launch by year 2024.

22.   Apple Inc. also entering into Space Startup and they named that company as Privateer.




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