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Sunday, June 19, 2022

Aswatthama- Interesting Facts


In this article, we will discuss about the one of the Great Warrior from Mahabharata Naming “Ashwatthama”.

·         Aswatthama was the son of Guru Dronacharya

·         He was one of the seven Chiranjeevis (immortals) to whom boon of immortality was given by Lord Shiva.

·         There was story behind killing of Guru Dronacharya in Mahabharata.

“As Guru Dronacharya was undefeatable by Pandavs, Shri Krishna thought of a technique of killing the Guru Droncharya, Bhim killed an Elephant naming Aswatthama and then started shouting that Aswatthama is killed. Guru Dronacharya could not believe it. Guru Dronacharya confirmed the same from Yuddhisthira as Yuddhisthira was known as Dharamraj and never had spoken a lie in his entire life. After confirmation that Aswatthama get killed and listening to taunt from Bhim that “why he is still fighting even when his only son get killed?” Guru Dronacharya sits backs on his Chariot and his soul went to heaven in search of Aswatthama Soul but meanwhile Dhristadhyumna grab the opportunity and Beheaded Guru Dronacharya.

When Guru Dronacharya Soul could not find Aswatthama Soul in Heaven, Guru Dronacharya Soul tried to enter the body again but his body was alreaded beheaded.

After seeing such a Coward act Arjun draws his Sword to Kill Dhristdyumna but Shri Krishna intervened.”

·         Apart from Immortality, Ashwatthama was born with Gemstone at centre of his forehead. The Gemstone provides him powers greater than all living beings except humans and this will protect him from Hunger, Thirst and fatigue.  

·         Aswatthama become friend with eldest Kaurav naming Duryodhan when Pandavas and Kauravas get enrolled at Guru Dronacharya Gurukul.

·         He fought from Kaurav Side and even managed to lot of persons.

·         After knowing about the death of his father, Aswatthama entered into Pandavas camp during night, killed five children of Draupadi while they were in sleep, and killed Dhristdyumna. When Pandavas and Krishna returned to camp they get devastated by killings and they rushed to battleground to get the avenge against the same. Aswatthama invoked Brahmastra to kill all the Pandavas and as per advice from Shri Krishna Arjun uses Pashupatastra which is another lethal weapon to protect themselves. However, all Devtas (Gods) requested them to take their weapons back as that could destroy the whole universe.

Arjun recalled its weapon but Aswatthama don’t know how to recall the Brahmastra so Krishna advised him to divert the weapon towards the uninhabited place instead of diversion of Brahmastra to uninhabited placed he diverted the Brahmastra towards womb of pregnant Uttara so as to end the lineage of the Pandavas. Uttara was pregnant with Abhimanyu son. Abhimanyu was son of Arjun.

Now Shri Krishna used Sudarshana Chakkar to neutralize the Brahmastra. Even when child was born lifeless, Shri Krishna used his Yogic powers to give life of child. Shri Krishna instructed Aswatthama to remove the Gemstone, as he does not deserve the same after such as sin so Aswatthama himself removed the Gemstone and give it to Shri Krishna. Shri Krishna Cursed the Aswatthama that he will roam in the forests with blood and Puss coming out of injuries for 3000 years and he will cry for his death.

·         After giving gemstone to Lord Krishna, Krishna handed over the Gemstone to Draupadi to console her. Than Draupadi handed over the Gemstone to Yudhishthir as being a Dharamraj he is right person to hold this gem.

·         Aswatthama mistakenly killed the five children as he thought of five Pandavas as Shri Krishna already taken to Pandavas somewhere else.


There were instances in past and recent in which people claimed that they have interaction with Aswatthama and they believe that Aswatthama is still alive.



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