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Friday, June 3, 2022

China- Interesting Facts

 In this article we will discuss about the interesting facts of Country naming as China. It is world no.1 in population. There are few of interesting facts about China which are listed below: -

1.      China is having borders with 14 countries which is equivalent to Russia.

2.      In terms of area It is 3rd largest country in the world. It has total area of 9.6 million square km. At first is 1.71 crore square km and at second position is USA which has area of 9.83 million square km.

3.       In China new year celebrations lasts for 15 days and every year is represented by one of 12 animals of Chinese zodiac. These 12 animals are Tiger, Ox, Rat, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Monkey, Goat, Rabbit, Rooster, Dog, Pig.

4.      It is second largest Economy in the world after USA.

5.      It has population of 1.4 billion.

6.      China constructs sky scraper every 5 days which are having more than 150 meters. China now has now more than 200 sky scrapers.

7.      China had more than 1.5 lac km of railway network by year end 2021 and it has High speed railway network of 40000 km. 

8.      There are so many varieties of Chinese Kung Fu, these varieties are over 400. The most popular of these are Taijiquan, Shaolin, and Qigong.

9.      It is quite surprising that Chinese people started drinking Tea over 3000 years ago. According to Chinese people Tea was discovered was Emperor Shen Nong in 2737 BC.

10.  Chinese people earlier used the Chopsticks for making the food instead of eating. They used chopsticks over 3000 years and it was till A.D. 400 when they started using chopsticks for eating.

11.  Chinese history is as old as that of Egyptian, Mayan, Babylonian.

12.  China has given greatest inventions to the world such as Gunpowder, Compass, Paper and Printing. They also invented Kites, Porcelain and Silk.

13.  30% of Chinese Territory consists of Mountains, 19% basins and deserts.

14.  Longest river of China is Yangtze River. It was more than 6300 km.

15.  In China history there were more than 600 emperors and first emperor was Qin Shihuang which founded Qin Dynasty. There were following famous emperors:-

(a)    First emperor of Han Dynasty- Han Gaozu

(b)   The Emperor Tang Dynasty which is considered as greatest Dynasty- Tang Taizong

(c)    The First emperor of Ming Dynasty- Zhu Yuanzhang

(d)   The last emperor of China and Qing Dynasty- Puyi

16.  The eight best cuisines of China are:-

(a)    Cantonese

(b)   Fujian

(c)    Anhui

(d)   Jiangsu

(e)   Zhejiang

(f)     Szechuan

(g)    Shandong

(h)   Hunan

17.  Tea served as an important part for exchange of culture between China and West.

18.  Mandarin Chinese is the toughest language in the world. This is also most spoken language in the world as China is world no.1 in Population. There are over 6500 characters in Chinese.

19.  Dragon is China Symbol. They call it 'Long'/lóng.

20.  Communist part of China is officially Atheist but they recognized below stated 5 religions: -

(a)    Catholicism

(b)   Buddhism

(c)    Islam

(d)   Daoism

(e)   Protestantism

21.  China has largest military in terms of active military personals, they have over 2 million active soldiers at second spot and third spots are India and USA respectively.

22.  China flag is having red area with 5 yellow stars at left corner. This also has significance that Red colour shows the Chinese Communist Revolution. There are 5 stars indicates unity of Chinese people under the leadership of Chinese Communist Revolution.

There 1 big star and 4 smaller stars in the form of arc which indicated ready to fly.



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