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Thursday, June 2, 2022

Denmark-Interesting Facts


In this article we will discuss about the interesting facts of Country naming as Denmark. Copenhagen is its capital and Copenhagen is famous for its royal palaces, Tivoli amusement park and Nyhavn harbour. Below are the few interesting facts this country: -

1.      Denmark is known as Bicycle nation. As people of Denmark love to ride bicycle in all weathers and all types of days.  They used the same for pleasure, traveling, transportation, etc. There are about 12000 km of bicycle lanes in Denmark.

2.      Denmark people usually cycle for 1.6 km a day on an average.

3.      Bicycle culture in Denmark is more than 100 years old.`

4.      This is one of the happiest country in the world and always remains on top of Happiest index.

5.      People of Denmark are generally called Danish

6.      People of Denmark speaks Danish Language and there is no word called please in Danish language dictionary.

7.      Denmark established world first ministry of Environment.

8.      Danish people are very much punctual and they are efficient workers.

9.      Population of Denmark is 58.83 lacs only.

10.  Denmark flag is named as “Dannerbrog” and its flag is oldest one which was acknowledged in year 1219. This is oldest nation flag.

11.  You will be surprised to find that only 4 out of 10 persons of Denmark own a car. But 9 out of 10 people have one bicycle at least.

12.  Danish language is one of the toughest language to learn as there are so many silent letters in it.

13.  The parliament of Denmark is called as ‘Folketinget’.

14.  Denmark 41% energy came from wind energy.

15.  Total are of Denmark is 42951 square Km.

16.  Denmark country is flat and its highest point is 172 meters. This 172 meters is the hill naming as “Yding Skovhøj”

17.  The famous Danish pastry actually came from Vienna. This is because in 1840 some of Austria bakers settled here in Denmark and it is named as “Viennese Bread”.

18.  The Danish people are happy to pay taxes and also Danish taxes are highest among the world but their government provides free education and free healthcare to everyone.

19.  In year 1897 handball game was invented was Denmark people.

20.  The world famous fairy tales naming “The Little Mermaid” and “The Ugly Duckling” are translated into 160 languages and the writer of the same was “Hans Cristian Andersen”

21.  Denmark is ranked no. in 2019 in least corrupt countries.

22.  Danish people wait for green lights even when they are walking.

23.  Denmark was the first country to recognize the same sex partnership in year 1989.

24.  It is world champion in Public Digitization.

25.  There are two worlds oldest amusement park naming as Bakken and Tivoli Garden.

Bakken was established in 1583 and Tivoli Garden was opened in 1843.

26.  In Denmark at no place you could be more than 50 km from the Ocean.

27.  In Denmark tap water can be drunk as water is much clean there. Denmark and world cleanest water.

28.  In Year 1924 Denmark appointed Nina Bang as Minister of Education than she became the world first lady to become a Minister.

29.  Denmark becomes part of EU in 1973 and it has 13 members in European Union.

30.  The national bird of Denmark is Swan.

31.   Danish National Dish is “stegt flæsk” or you may call fried Pork

32.   There are 443 islands and out of 443 there are 70 islands which are inhibited.

33.   The world famous LEGO company which is famous for building blocks was started in 1932. This was developed in Billund a Small town by a carpenter naming as Ole Krik Christainsen. They arrived at the name from the word “Leg godt” which means play well. Before 1947 they were developing wooden toys only.

34.   Government of Danish controls the names of babies, Government keeps 7000 names which are preapproved for babies’ names.

35.   In 1969 Denmark legalized the Pornography and is can be found everywhere.  






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