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Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Iceland- Interesting Facts


In this article we will discuss about the interesting facts of Iceland. It is Nordic Island Nation. Its capital is Reykjavik. Its population is only 3.66 lacs as per data of Year 2020. Its currency is Iceland Krona. Below are some of the interesting facts about Iceland: -

1.      Iceland is last place on earth which is settled by Huma beings as this place is discovered by Vikings by an accident. He discovered it only 1100 years ago.

2.      More than half of population of Iceland Lives in its capital Reykjavik.

3.      There are hot springs in Iceland all around it. People enjoy bathing here all around the year.

4.      In this island all electricity is generated through Renewable energy sources so it is most eco-friendly country in the world.

5.      In this Island Beer was banned till 1989 from 1915.

6.      Now when beer ban is lifted in this country every 1st March is celebrated as “Bjórdagurinn” or “Beer Day” 

7.      In Iceland there is largest Europe Glacier naming as Vatnajokull. It so much larges that it is 3 times the size of Rhode Island. Its total area is 8300 square km.

8.      10% of land of Iceland is covered by Glaciers.

9.      The horse specie naming as Icelandic Horse is the only horse breed which can be found in Iceland.

10.  People of Iceland (30-40%) still believes that existence of Elves. There are so many stories in Iceland about Huldufolk which means Hidden People.

11.  Iceland consists of oldest Parliament in the world.

12.  People here loves books a lot and even every 1 person out of 10 publishes the books.

13.  Iceland is part of NATO but they don’t have any army.

14.  This is safest country in the world and it has lowest crime rate in the world.

15.  Iceland official flag was coming into existence in 17th June 1944 it is the same time when Iceland gained its independence which was previously rules by Norway, Sweden and Denmark as a commonwealth.

16.  National sport of Iceland is Body Wrestling.

17.  There are about 30 active volcanos in Iceland.

18.  This Iceland made headlines in year 2010 when there was volcanic eruption from Eyjafjallajökull leads to air travel disruptions for 6 days and volcano throws out tones of ash in air.

19.  There are also so many waterfalls in Iceland. Out of these waterfalls Gullfoss which is also known as Golden Falls is famous attraction among tourists.

20.  The great Geysir is the Earth Planet oldest known Geyser and it is located in Haukadalur Valley. It was discovered in 1294. It was discovered on slops of Laugarfjall Hills.

21.  Here you can find black sand Beaches. The black sand is due to Ash, Minerals left by active volcanos.   

22.  It has unique language which has 13 vowels and doesn’t contains c,w,q or z. It is derived from Old Norse and even language day is celebrated every year on 16th November.

. .  Reykjavik- Capital of Iceland meaning is Smoky-bay.



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